Every time the kids ask about a cemetery or the elliptical machine takes another year off my life, I start percolating on all the things I still need to do before I kick it. This, naturally, is the notion of a bucket list. My funeral may not (yet) be planned nor my cemetery plot paid for, but I can go ahead and start crossing items off my bucket list.
If I had a bucket list.
As a responsible adult, I hereby create my bucket list. Some of the items are already crossed off because it'll make me feel more productive if I include things I've already done:
As a responsible adult, I hereby create my bucket list. Some of the items are already crossed off because it'll make me feel more productive if I include things I've already done:
become an animal trainersell advice on ebayget married- renew vows in all 50 states
get told I probably can't carry a baby to term(this happened twice)carry a baby to term anyway(this also happened twice)- get a cake on Cake Wrecks Sunday Sweets
- fix something meaningful
- finish writing a book
- sail the open seas
sing on stage at the Atlanta Fox Theater- make a perfect cupcake
- bake a million dollars
- *not going to write that one down- don't want to jinx it*
- smell an Irish countryside
- get a harp from John Popper
- have a perfect day
- quickly be a princess
earn a black belt- get blue shoes that I can wear to work
sing on the stage of the Fox in Atlanta- find a Darth Vader cookie jar
- ride a roller coaster with my son
- go a full year working less than 3 jobs
- be ok with a screwup
finish a 10K
List in progress and will be updated as needed.